My Breast Life

Things I Want my Daughter to Know

Posted on March 2, 2023
  1. No food is “bad” eat everything in moderation. More healthy than junk food.
  2. Workout so you can be “strong” not to be skinny.
  3. Clean your privates, underarms and feet daily.
  4. Water is life. Make sure you are drinking enough. See a plant before and after you water it.
  5. Always trust your gut. If something doesn’t feel right, walk away. Even if you can’t put the feeling into words.
  6. The goal is to be comfortable in your own skin and not wear lots of makeup or certain name brands to impress people.
  7. Less is more. Keep your space clutter free. Collect experiences, not things.
  8. Don’t compare yourself to others. Work on being the best version of you.
  9. Quality over quantity. Keep people in your circle who make you feel better about yourself and are there for you when things go wrong. If someone doesn’t help you when you are down or brings you down, they don’t need to be in your circle. Get rid of energy vampires.
  10. No one is your “other half”. You are a whole by yourself. Partners bring out the best in each other and help each other grow.
  11. What goes around comes around. Always do what’s right even if it’s not easy.
  12. Be kind. Always. Your opinion, especially unsolicited, is not more important than someone’s feelings.
  13. Don’t underestimate nature and overestimate products with chemicals. You don’t need a lot of products to take care of yourself. Keep it simple. Remember less is more.
  14. Read labels on packaged foods. If it has ingredients you can’t pronounce limit them in your diet. Don’t go grocery shopping when hungry.
  15. Everything you need is within you. Sometimes you will need to shut off the outside noise (people’s opinions, cell phone/electronics), close your eyes and listen to your insides.
  16. You have to take care of yourself before you can be there for others. Sleep well, eat well, workout. Make healthy choices.
  17. If you find you are cranky, eat something. Drink water. Give yourself a time out and just breathe.
  18. Nothing others say or do is because of you. It’s because of their own feelings and beliefs and the filters through which they see the world. No matter what someone says or does, you are responsible for how you respond.
  19. Treat savings as a fixed expense. Automatically have an amount from your pay cheque transferred to savings.
  20. Don’t make promises when you are happy and don’t say things when you are upset.
  21. Bad things happen and it will suck. Allow yourself to feel the feelings that don’t feel so good but do not allow yourself to stay there.

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